oka wibawa

frontend engineer

bali, indonesia


howdy, i'm oka. i enjoy building fast, reliable, and meaningful products centered around users. welcome to my little corner of the internet.

work experience

2020 - present


orchestrating and developing customer-facingproducts and ai-powered tools that help people and businesses.

next.js, react, zustand, tailwind, nestjs, go, express

2022 - 2024

telkom indonesia

contributed in developing legion design system for telkom indonesia’s products while maintaining comprehensive documentation to ensure seamless adoption across teams.

gatsby, react, emotion, storybook

collaborated in developing telkom indonesia's corporate web platforms through nextjs implementation of the legion design system, orchestrating seamless digital experiences that advance the company's mission of digital transformation.

next.js, legion design system



supera link esim marketplacesupera link

an esim platform for travelers to buy preset or custom data plans and manage them in real time. offers affordable roaming by simplifying connectivity abroad.

frontend engineer & lead, next.js, zustand, react query, tailwind, nestjs, go




a blockchain-powered gaming platform where users bet with cryptocurrency. built to ensure transparency and fairness through decentralized technology.

frontend engineer, next.js, tailwind, zustand, web3auth, biconomy, react three fiber


telkom indonesiatelkom indonesia

a corporate platform highlighting the company’s achievements, vision, and strategic goals. built to enhance transparency and engagement with investors, partners, and the public.

frontend engineer, react, legion design system


legion design systemlegion design system

a reusable component library (buttons, cards, typography, etc) and utility system (spacing, shadows, etc) for cross-team consistency. streamlined product development by enabling designers and developers to build faster.

frontend engineer, react, emotion, storybook


legion design sytemlegion documentation site

a centralized hub for designers and developers to learn, implement, and adopt the legion design system. features guides, code examples, and best practices for components and utilities.

frontend engineer, gatsby, sass